
The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all Artistic Disciplines


ArsPedia is a portaldesigned and created for all forms of art, where contemporary artists fromevery artistic discipline, whether famous or still unknown, can find everythingthey need to promote and showcase their artistic activities to the world. Itoffers the opportunity to create their own personal website and sell their artwithout any intermediaries.




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Contemporary Artists in ArsPedia Listed by Artistic Disciplines.


Who is an Artist?


An artist is a person engaged in an activity related to the creation of art, the practice of the arts, or the demonstration of an art."

The Artistic Disciplines of Contemporary Artists in ArsPedia





Who is the Contemporary Artist?


An artist is a person who creates artwork through the creative expression of their ideas, emotions, concepts, or visions. The artist uses various mediums, techniques, and styles to communicate their message and evoke an emotional or intellectual response in the audience.


The definition of an artist may vary slightly depending on the context and artistic field considered, but generally, an artist is characterized by:


  • Creativity: Artists are creative individuals who find unique and original ways to express their ideas and concepts through art. They are able to think unconventionally and find new perspectives.


  • Personal expression: Artists use art as a means of personal expression. Through their work, they communicate their emotions, experiences, viewpoints, and values to the audience.


  • Technical skill: Artists develop technical skills in their artistic field, which may include mastery of tools, materials, and specific techniques. These skills help artists transform their ideas into tangible artworks.


  • Vision and concept: Artists have a creative vision and concept that guide their work. They may seek to convey a message, explore a specific theme, provoke reflection, or evoke emotions in the audience through their artworks.


  • Exploration and experimentation: Artists are often in search of new creative possibilities and experiment with different mediums, techniques, and approaches. They may challenge artistic conventions and seek to break the boundaries of traditional art.


  • Commitment and dedication: Being an artist requires commitment and dedication. Artists dedicate time and energy to their artistic practice, constantly working to improve their skills, explore new ideas, and create meaningful artworks.


It is important to emphasize that art is an extremely broad and diverse field, and there are many artistic disciplines and modes of expression in which an artist can operate. Some examples include painting, sculpture, photography, film, music, dance, theater, literature, architecture, and much more.


A contemporary artist is engaged in creative activities that include the creation of various types of artworks within the realm of contemporary art, such as painting, graphics, sculpture, art objects, installations, street art, video, photography, performances.


In addition to the listed examples, contemporary art can be embodied in other forms and techniques, such as the use of sound, light, new digital technologies, as well as in the intersection of the listed mediums.


Contemporary art is the meeting point of a remarkable diversity of styles, movements, and techniques.

What is Contemporary Art?


Art is a highly diverse range of activities engaged in the creation of visual, auditory, or performed artifacts - artworks - that express the imaginative or technical skill of the author and are intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.

Therefore, art can be considered a language in itself, the ability to convey emotions and messages.

In its most basic sense, the term contemporary art refers to art produced today.


Contemporary art refers to art produced in the current period, typically from the 1960s to the present day. It is a broad and inclusive term that encompasses a wide range of artistic practices, styles, mediums, and concepts. Contemporary art reflects the social, cultural, political, and technological conditions of the present.


Characteristics of contemporary art include:


  • Multiplicity of mediums: Contemporary artists use a wide range of mediums to express their ideas, including painting, sculpture, photography, video, installations, performances, digital art, conceptual art, and much more. The diversity of mediums allows them to explore new forms of expression and break traditional artistic limitations.


  • Conceptual and formal experimentation: Contemporary art encourages the exploration of new concepts and artistic approaches. Contemporary artists often challenge artistic conventions, break rules, and experiment with new forms of presentation and interaction with the audience.


  • Complex themes and social criticism: Many contemporary artists address complex themes such as identity, gender, racism, inequality, politics, environment, and globalization. They use their art to raise social, political, and cultural issues, prompting the audience to reflect and question the conditions of the contemporary world.


  • Audience interaction: Contemporary art often involves the audience actively and participatively. Artists seek to create engaging and interactive experiences, involving viewers in their art and encouraging them to actively participate.


  • Contextualization and critical reflection: Contemporary art is often heavily contextualized. Artists take into account the historical, social, political, and cultural context in which they operate and reflect upon it through their art. This can include criticism of institutions, cultural norms, or traditional artistic conventions.


  • Globalization and multiculturalism: Contemporary art reflects global interconnectedness and the incorporation of diverse cultural influences. Contemporary artists often draw from their personal experiences, diverse cultural traditions, and global issues to create artworks that reflect the complexity of the contemporary world.


Contemporary art is characterized by a great diversity and plurality of practices and artistic approaches. There is no single definition or distinctive style for contemporary art, but rather a variety of artistic expressions that reflect the individuality and vision of contemporary artists.


The second half of the twentieth century has been characterized by great technological and scientific advancements, such as those resulting from the space race. If the speed and movement of machines propelled modern artists, the space race and advances in information technology paved the way for the perception of contemporary artists who began incorporating them into their works.


During this period, artists began using different languages and techniques to create their works through continuous aesthetic experimentation. Considering this, it is nearly impossible to think of art in separate categories such as painting, sculpture, or drawing, questioning the value of art and the very concept of art itself.


At no other time in history have artists had such creative freedom.

The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all Artistic Disciplines

The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all Artistic Disciplines

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ARSPEDIA, art, contemporary art, contemporary artists,

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Una rottura con la tradizione nell'arte contemporanea che ha ridefinito il panorama artistico

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Il Maestro  Carlo Iacomucci mercoledì 7 agosto 2024 alle ore 18 nella Sala Parrocchiale di Poggio San Marcello (AN)

L'istallazione Presenze Sognanti dell'artista Maria Grazia Focanti al Festival dell'Arte di Poggio San Marcello
ARSPEDIA, ArsPedia Cultural Network,

L'istallazione Presenze Sognanti dell'artista Maria Grazia Focanti al Festival dell'Arte di Poggio San Marcell

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L'istallazione Presenze Sognanti dell'artista Maria Grazia Focanti al Festival dell'Arte di Poggio San Marcello-Domenica 4 Agosto alle ore 21:00

ARSPEDIA, ArsPedia Cultural Network, art, contemporary art, contemporary artists, Maria Grazia Focanti, pittori, pittori contemporanei, pittura moderna, carlo iacomucci,


13/05/2024 23:10


I noti artisti Carlo Iacomucci e Maria Grazia Focanti realizzano un opera per il “cammino di S. Anna” alla casa degli artisti del Furlo a due passi da Urbino
ARSPEDIA, ArsPedia Cultural Network, Painter, Painter, Maria Grazia Focanti, pittura moderna, carlo iacomucci, eventi,

I noti artisti Carlo Iacomucci e Maria Grazia Focanti realizzano un opera per il “cammino di S. Anna” alla

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Biennale d’arte contemporanea “Premio Marche 2023”
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Biennale d’arte contemporanea “Premio Marche 2023”

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Biennale d’arte contemporanea “Premio Marche 2023”: tra gli artisti anche il maestro Carlo Iacomucci

Pittori Contemporanei: Esplorando l'Arte del Presente
ARSPEDIA, ArsPedia Cultural Network, contemporary art, pittori, pittori contemporanei, pittura moderna, stili di pittuta,

Pittori Contemporanei: Esplorando l'Arte del Presente

24/09/2023 04:48

L'arte contemporanea - Esplora l'arte contemporanea dei pittori moderni: stili unici, temi attuali e il futuro dell'arte.

Maria Grazia Focanti
PAINTING, F, Painters - F, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, PAINTERS, Marche, Ancona, Monsano, Pittori Italiani-F, Painter, Painter, ITALY, Italian painter, Ancona, Marche, Marchigiano, Monsano , Pittore Marchigiano, Pittrice Marchigiana, Pittrice Italiana, Maria Grazia Focanti, Marchigiana,

Maria Grazia Focanti

Maria Grazia Focanti

13/09/2023 23:30

Italian painter, Marche painter, Monsano, Marche, Ancona, Italy, Italian

Carlo Iacomucci
PAINTING, POETRY, SCULPTURE, I, Painter, Poet, Sculptor, Painters - I, Poets - I, Sculptors - I, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, PAINTERS, POETS, SCULPTORS, Marche, Ancona, Monsano, Pittori Italiani-I, Painter, Poet, ITALY, Italian poet, Italian painter, Incisore, Ancona, Marche, Marchigiano, Monsano , Incisore Marchigiano, Pittore Marchigiano, Poeta Marchigiano,

Carlo Iacomucci

Carlo Iacomucci

09/09/2023 03:30

Italian painter, Italian engraver, Italian poet, Marche painter, Marche engraver, Marche poet, Marche, Ancona, Monsano

Nora Schepis
POETRY, LITERATURE, N, S, Poet, Poetessa, Writer, Scrittrice, Poets - N, Poets - S, Writers - N, Writers - S, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Sicily, Agrigento, POETS, WRITERS, Poet, poetess, Writer, Writer, ITALY, Italian poet, Italian writer, Sicily, Agrigento, Sicilian writer, Agrigento writer, Agrigento poetess, Italian poetess,

Nora Schepis

Nora Schepis

13/01/2022 00:52

Writer-Poet-Italy-Sicily-Agrigento-Sicilian Writer-Sicilian Poet-Sicilian-Agrigentan-Italian Poet-Agrigentan

PAINTING, LITERATURE, COMIC, DIGITAL ART, F, M, Painter, Pittrice, Comic artist, Painters - F, Painters - M, Comic artists - F, Comic artists - M, ITALY, Digital artists - F, Digital artists - M, Readers, Readers - F, Readers - M, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Lazio, Rome, PAINTERS, WRITERS, COMIC ARTISTS, DIGITAL ARTISTS, Pittori Italiani-M, Painter, Painter, Reader, Cartoonist and/or Illustrator, Digital Artist, ITALY, Italian, Italian, Lazio, Lazio, Rome, Roman painter, Lazio painter,



23/04/2021 04:23

Painter-Reader-Cartoonist-Digital Artist-Roman-Lazio-Rome-Roman Painter-Lazio Painter-Cartoonist Roman-Digital Artist-painter-Lazio-Italian

Luciano Postogna
POETRY, LITERATURE, P, Poet, Poets - P, ITALY, Readers, Readers - P, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Friuli - Venezia Giulia, Trieste, POETS, READERS, Poet, Reader, ITALY, Italian, Italian poet, Friulian poet, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trieste poet, Reader from Trieste, Trieste,

Luciano Postogna

Luciano Postogna

14/02/2021 22:36

Poet-Reader-Italian-Italian Poet-Poet from Trieste- Friuli Venezia Giulia-Trieste-Reader from Trieste-Italian Reader-Friulian-Julian-Italy

Giuseppe Mastria
PAINTING, POETRY, SCULPTURE, M, Painter, Poet, Sculptor, Painters - M, Poets - M, Sculptors - M, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Calabria, Catanzaro, PAINTERS, POETS, SCULPTORS, Pittori Italiani-M, Painter, Poet, Sculptor, ITALY, Italian, Italian poet, Calabrian, Italian painter, Italian sculptor, Catanzaro, Catanzaro,

Giuseppe Mastria

Giuseppe Mastria

08/02/2021 01:31

Painter-Poet-Sculptor-Italian Painter-Calabrian Poet-Catanzarian Sculptor-Catanzaro-Catanzarian Poet-Catanzarian Sculptor-Catanzarian Painter

Ombretta Del Monte
PAINTING, POETRY, LITERATURE, D, Painter, Pittrice, Poet, Poetessa, Writer, Scrittrice, Painters - D, Poets - D, Writers - D, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Lazio, Rome, Civitavecchia, PAINTERS, POETS, WRITERS, Pittori Italiani-D, Painter, Painter, Poet, poetess, Writer, Writer, ITALY, Italian, Italian, Italian poet, Italian writer, Lazio, Lazio, Civitavecchia, Civitavecchia poet, Civitavecchia painter, Civitavecchia poetess, Rome, Lazio writer, Civitavecchia writer,

Ombretta Del Monte

Ombretta Del Monte

06/02/2021 04:13

Painter-Poet-Writer-Painter from Civitavecchia-Writer-Writer-Painter from Lazio-Poet-Rome-Civitavecchia-Painter from Lazio-Poet from Lazio-Italian-italy

Mario Bova
PAINTING, COMIC, B, Painter, Comic artist, Painters - B, Comic artists - B, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Lazio, Rome, Vicovaro, PAINTERS, COMIC ARTISTS, Pittori Italiani-B, Painter, Cartoonist and/or Designer, ITALY, Italian, Lazio, Lazio, Vicovaro, Vicovarese,

Mario Bova

Mario Bova

03/02/2021 14:18

Italian painter, Italian draftsman, Lazio painter, Lazio draftsman, Vicovarian painter, Vicovarian draftsman, Vicovaro, Rome, Lazio, Italy

Gabriele D'annunzio
POETRY, LITERATURE, D, Poets - D, Writers - D, ITALY, Abruzzo, Pescara, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Poet, Writer, ITALY, Italian, Abruzzo, Pescara, Italian poet, Italian writer, Abruzzese poet, Abruzzo writer, Pescara poet, Pescara writer,

Gabriele D'annunzio

Gabriele D'annunzio

11/10/2020 23:48

Italian writer, Abruzzo writer, Pescara writer, Italian poet, Abruzzo poet, Pescara poet, Abruzzo, Pescara, Italy

How digital networks are transforming art and architecture

How digital networks are transforming art and architecture

29/08/2020 01:43

Art as we know it is changing dramatically, but popular and critical responses are lagging behind. In this edgy illustrated essay, Davi