
The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all Artistic Disciplines


ArsPedia is a portaldesigned and created for all forms of art, where contemporary artists fromevery artistic discipline, whether famous or still unknown, can find everythingthey need to promote and showcase their artistic activities to the world. Itoffers the opportunity to create their own personal website and sell their artwithout any intermediaries.



Search Artist by Name, Category, Country, Region, Province or City


General conditions of use of the site and services

CopyrightNotice: All texts, works, images, videos, sounds, and photos are protected bylaw. Therefore, they are intended for personal and educational use only andcannot be used or published without explicitly requesting permission via emailfrom the artist, who will assess each specific case.

The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all artistic disciplines

The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all artistic disciplines


The user declares to have read and fully accept these conditions, which may be subject to modifications, updates and additions in the future at the discretion of the manager of the website (hereinafter Site). These general conditions apply, unless otherwise established, to other services that may be provided in the future.




The website makes the following services available to registered users:

A) A dedicated and personalized page on the website with the possibility of publishing works, poems, paintings, artistic activities and events, an online video and/or photographic gallery, a personalized contact form, Facebook and Instagram Feed tools and the possibility of being mentioned in the blog and on the site's social networks.

B) The creation of a website of maximum 7 pages with a personalized domain and up to 5 emails.

C) A dedicated and personalized page on the website to the Associations free of charge, with the possibility of publishing works, poems, paintings, artistic activities and events, an online video and/or photographic gallery, a personalized contact form, the Facebook and Instagram Feed tools and the possibility of being mentioned in the blog and on the site's social networks.


All according to the subscription and payment methods specified on the site itself and in compliance with current copyright regulations, with the right to remove or delete such content.




The use of the services made available by the site lasts for one year, automatically renewed, from the date of payment and reserved for those who complete the registration procedure and payment of the fee present online, with acceptance by of the user of the general conditions of use of the services and any subsequent modifications thereof.


Given the legislation on consumer protection regarding distance contracts, the user can still withdraw from the service in the ways indicated below. The right of withdrawal applies to natural persons (consumers) who act for purposes that can be considered unrelated to their commercial activity. Purchases made by retailers, companies and natural persons acting for purposes related to a commercial activity are therefore excluded from the right of withdrawal.

The "consumer" who for any reason is not satisfied with the services requested has the right to withdraw from the stipulated contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, indicating the service in relation to which he avails himself of the right of withdrawal (with the details of the subscription), within 10 working days from the day of purchase.

To withdraw from services already active with automatic renewal, the Customer must send his withdrawal request to at least thirty days (30 days) before the deadline to the email address:


The refund of the amount paid by the consumer, minus the costs relating to the services actually used, will be made via Paypal circuit or by bank transfer within 30 days of receiving the notice of withdrawal.

The user undertakes to provide truthful, updated and complete data at the time of registration and to promptly communicate any subsequent changes to the site. The personal data provided by the user are processed in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and other current regulations on the matter, according to the methods set out in the privacy information, which is provided at the time of registration and the clauses contained in the site's privacy policy. The use of a pseudonym (nickname) is permitted provided that it can be associated with correct, complete and updated personal data, to be communicated to the judicial authorities or to the public administrations or independent public authorities (authorities) in the cases and in the ways expressly provided by law or regulations.


Responsibility for the use of your account lies solely with you. It is also specified that upon expiration of the subscription, unless the latter is renewed, the user's data, the publications inserted by him and all associated multimedia content, may be deleted. If the user wishes to use the services again, he will have to sign a new contract.




Registration on the site is reserved for adult users, or for minors who are authorized to do so through the procedure on the site by the holders of authority, who through this authorization assume all responsibility regarding the navigation and activity of minors on the site, accepting these conditions and undertaking to monitor navigation on the site and the use of all the services made available. They will undertake to indemnify and hold the site harmless from any compensation claims made by users or third parties relating to the navigation and activities carried out by the minor. The site cannot in any way be held responsible due to or towards unauthorized users under the age of sixteen or minors over the age of sixteen who have managed to register on the site as a result of false declarations or counterfeit authorizations.




4.1 – Payment of the fee for the services is only and exclusively advanced via the PayPal circuit and will be automatically renewed, upon cancellation, every 12 months.


4.2 – The services will be activated only after verification by the site manager of the correct and exact payment of the requested fee.


4.3 – Failure to pay the amount due implies the immediate interruption of the service provided and the cancellation of the publication.




5.1 – Users are prohibited from using the site to spread blasphemous, obscene, vulgar, denigrating, insulting, inappropriate, racist content, incitement to religious, political or ethnic hatred or which is in any way harmful to the rights of third parties or which, in any case, are contrary to the law, public order or morality.


5.2 – It is absolutely forbidden to publish videos, images, texts of a sexual or pornographic nature. It is also prohibited to provide links to websites that contain material of the type mentioned above or violent material or incitement to violence or, in general, any type of material that does not comply with current laws.


5.3 – Any behavior contrary to these general conditions or to further instructions that will be communicated by the site is prohibited.


5.4 – It is expressly forbidden to publish content relating to illegal topics and to insert links to illegal and/or copyrighted material, in order to encourage their diffusion; any content of this type will be immediately removed from the site, which reserves the right to deactivate the profile of any user for a fixed or indefinite period at its sole and exclusive discretion. Where possible, notification will be given of the deactivation accompanied by any reasons. In any case, any violation of these general conditions may lead to the deactivation of the user's profile with exoneration of the site from any consequent liability.


5.5 – It is forbidden to insert links that lead to competing and/or online sales sites in the space assigned to the page manager. The links will be removed immediately. If they are inserted again, the page will be deleted (without refund, not even partial, of the fee paid for its publication).




The information provided by the user includes that required for registration on the site and any other information that the user decides to communicate.

Registration information: When the user registers on the site he is asked to provide his name, surname, street/square, house number, postcode, city, province, country, e-mail address, telephone number, tax code, p. VAT etc. in order to proceed with the creation of the page, payment and regular invoicing of the service.

Other information received by the site about users: The site receives information about users every time they interact through it. For example, when photos or videos are posted, the site may receive additional related data (or media data), including the date, time, and location where the photo or video was taken. This data may include your IP address, location, the type of browser you use or the pages you visit. However, the site retains this information only as long as it is useful for providing its services with the right to communicate information about the user to the people and companies with which it collaborates, in order to make its services available, within the limits and in the compliance with privacy legislation.




The purpose of this site is to fuel the culture and discussion of art; therefore any information sent to or published by is treated for this purpose and not passed on to others.

Any registered trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, image rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited in the pages of, are the property of their respective owners.


All copyrights relating to graphic formats, contents and hypertext structure not coming from third parties belong exclusively to the site. Any form of reproduction of the site, even partial, is prohibited without the written consent of the owner. The contents of the site are made accessible to the user for exclusively lawful purposes. The user will be entitled to a license to use the site limited to the needs of publishing the contents and within the scope of the services offered. By sending their content to the site for publication (written, audio, data, images, photos and/or videos), the user declares, under their sole responsibility, to be the author or to have the right to dispose of it (i.e. to be in possession of all the rights, licenses, consents and authorizations necessary to publish the contents), authorizing the site to use and store the contents published within the established terms and giving express consent to the dissemination of the material sent with renunciation of any form of compensation . The user therefore declares not to violate any third party rights, including trademarks, copyright, patent, trade secret, moral right, right to privacy, right of publicity or any other intellectual property or proprietary right, and not to engage in any form of slander, defamation or other right belonging to third parties. The user is exclusively responsible in the event that the aforementioned violations occur, as well as for the possible creation of backup copies of the published contents. Citations for news or review purposes are permitted only if accompanied by an indication of the source. The site,, will in any case be exonerated from any consequent liability deriving from the publication by users of the material and contents within the site itself.




All content (including, but not limited to, logos, text, privacy policy templates, data compilations, graphics, icons, images, photographs, audio clips, sounds, the music and software, and any combination thereof) available on the Site (the "Content"), are owned or licensed by, and are protected by copyright laws and related international treaties. These rights are reserved by
The contents inserted by users (by way of example but not limited to - photos and texts) remain the property of the users. Under no circumstances does inserting content lead to a loss of ownership of the physical work or of the rights to its image. The user assumes total responsibility, including legal responsibility, for the contents published.

By publishing on, the user guarantees the possibility of republishing the contents on other platforms connected to it such as, for example, but not limited to, Facebook pages, Twitter or other social networks. In the event of republication, in any case, a clear reference to the author of the work in question will be guaranteed. High definition images will never be distributed (neither on the site nor in other environments). A low resolution image will always be generated to prevent image theft and piracy.


The “Arspedia” brand as well as all brands, whether figurative or not, and all other signs, trade names, service marks, word marks, trade names, illustrations, images, logos that appear are and remain the exclusive property of arspedia .com and/or its licensors and are protected by applicable trademark laws and related international treaties. These rights are reserved to their respective owners.





Users are required to behave, when using the site and all its services, according to the canons of the most exemplary good faith and correctness. Users are therefore prohibited from carrying out any activity which is harmful to the rights of third parties or which may cause even simple harassment to third parties, or in any way cause direct or indirect damage to the site (for example: dissemination of harmful software content such as viruses, advertising, spyware , malware, etc.; infringement of others' copyright; unauthorized disclosure of others' personal data). The violation of the aforementioned clauses, in addition to the exclusive civil and criminal liability of the user, will result, at the sole discretion of the site, in the exclusion of the author of the infringement from the site and its services. The site will in fact have the right to refuse, prevent the publication or remove the material published by the user, as well as to limit, suspend or inhibit the user's ability to access all or part of the services at any time. The site explicitly disclaims any responsibility in relation to the information provided or contents published by users and in particular in relation to the fact that they contain illicit, improper, offensive or sexually explicit products, services or material, protected by copyright.




The site does not guarantee the compatibility of its services with the hardware and/or software infrastructure of the users, as well as the proper functioning of the site and the services, nor the achievement of any goals or purposes of the users, in relation to the use of the service. The site manager undertakes to maintain the efficiency of the services offered continuously for the entire duration of the contract. However, the site does not assume any responsibility for the interruption or suspension of services and, also, for loss of data, delays, hardware and/or software incompatibility, which are a consequence of the use of the site. The site therefore declines all responsibility relating to errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, operational or transmission delays, communication line failures, theft, destruction, unauthorized access or alteration of any communication made by users, to technical problems of telephone networks or lines, online processing systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, email or playback software errors due to technical problems or high internet traffic of the site services or a combination thereof. Users use the site's services at their sole risk and under their sole responsibility. The site cannot in any way be held responsible for the contents conveyed by users and is not required to carry out any control activity on the lawfulness (including copyright protection), truthfulness, well-foundedness, accuracy, non-deceptiveness, non-offensiveness of the contents conveyed by users through the site and its services. In any case, the site reserves the right to refuse and/or eliminate, even upon notification by others and/or at its sole discretion, content deemed unsuitable for transmission. The user acknowledges the fact that the contents inserted by other users could, in violation of these conditions and in contrast with these clauses, be considered inappropriate for the sensitivity of some people, offensive or even illicit; in this case the user recognizes and accepts that the exclusive responsibility is to be attributed to the user who committed the infringement and also recognizes the absolute extraneous nature of the site. The user undertakes to indemnify and hold the site harmless from any claim for compensation advanced by users or third parties in relation to the contents published and/or the activity carried out through the site, which cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind. nature and/or economic losses deriving from the use of the services offered through the site.


By accessing the pages of, the user is aware that they may contain links to other external websites, over which exercises no control and is in no way responsible for the contents or information present.



The site manager reserves the right to suspend or interrupt, even permanently, at any time and without notice the online placing of the site and/or the provision of the services contained therein or to transfer to third parties, even partially, the management and/or ownership of the same.




The parties mutually acknowledge and accept that any and all disputes and/or issues connected with the formation, interpretation, execution, modifications and resolution of these conditions will be governed by Italian law and subject to the exclusive cognizance of Italian jurisdiction.



The site reserves the right to make changes to these general conditions in the appropriate form on the site. The user declares to have read and accepted these general conditions of use of the site and its services and in particular those referred to in numbers 2) registration and withdrawal; 3) minors and authorizations; 4) methods and terms of payment for services; 5) contents and prohibitions; 6) personal information; 7) ownership of contents; 8) good faith and fairness; 9) responsibilities and exclusions; 10) withdrawal of the site; 11) applicable law, and to expressly and specifically approve its content.