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Contemporary Dancers


The Art of Dance


A dancer is an individual who moves to the music or any rhythmic source and has made dance their profession. Dance is a method of expressing body movements.


With excellent athletic training and a sensitivity to music, a dancer is able to skillfully perform classical or modern dances and interpret various genres.


There are numerous dance styles, including the well-known classical dance, modern dance, hip-hop, Latin American and Caribbean dances, jazz, ballroom, tango, and contemporary dance.


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Who is a dancer and what do they do?


A dancer is an artist who expresses themselves through the language of body movement, specializing in dance.

Dance is a form of artistic expression that combines movement, rhythm, musicality, and storytelling to communicate emotions, stories, or concepts.


Dancers can perform in a wide range of dance styles, including classical ballet, contemporary dance, jazz dance, modern dance, hip-hop dance, ethnic dances, and many more.


They work hard to perfect their technical skills, physical strength, flexibility, and expressiveness through regular training, rehearsals, and stage performances. Dancers can work as professionals in dance companies, theaters, theatrical productions, musical shows, films, TV programs, music videos, or pursue a career as dance teachers.


Their dedication and passion for dance drive them to create breathtaking performances, conveying beauty and emotion to the audience.


The work of professional dancers combines artistic aspects - performing movements and figures with their own bodies to interpret the music - with significant physical efforts: many hours are spent in dance studios or gyms, working consistently, diligently, and disciplined on a range of exercises and practicing dances and choreographies.


Training is indeed the first and most important activity for dancers: exercises are essential to develop and maintain physical efficiency and body flexibility (which is their primary working instrument), to learn basic techniques, and to move in a coordinated manner to the rhythm of music.

What are the most well-known dance styles and genres?


There are numerous dance styles and genres, each with its own aesthetics, technique, and cultural traditions.

Here is a list of the most well-known:


  • Classical Ballet: The oldest and most traditional style, characterized by elegant, precise, and fluid movements. Classical ballet is based on a rigid technique that requires grace, strength, and control. Classical dance or academic dance is based on the so-called "academic technique," which developed from 1613. Dancers use special shoes called "pointe shoes" with reinforced toes (to protect their feet from blisters and injuries using tape, paper towels, or, for more precision, silicone or fabric toe pads) but can only use pointe shoes after studying for several years with soft ballet shoes. This is because the muscles supporting the spine need to be well-developed. Classical dance is one of the most prestigious and codified disciplines, with a rigorous training path.


  • Contemporary Dance: A free and experimental style that is constantly evolving. It combines elements of classical ballet with modern movements, exploring individual creativity and expressiveness. Contemporary dance originated in Europe and the United States after World War II. It evolves towards new body expressions, sometimes including acting. The role of the dancer has changed in contemporary dance: the dancer is often the author of themselves, to whom the choreographer gives more creative space than in the past. The contemporary choreographer often delegates to the dancer the creation of choreographic phrases, which are then assembled and placed in a context and space. Improvisation becomes an indispensable tool for choreographic creation, a technique for listening to one's body and the environment.


  • Jazz Dance: An energetic and rhythmic style influenced by jazz music. Jazz dance incorporates fast movements, jumps, body isolations, and improvisation. It is a particularly choreographic and dynamic modern dance style that enriches itself over time with new aspects and experimentation. Currently, two main styles fall under this definition: modern jazz and lyrical jazz. The first style is particularly lively, while the second is more subdued while still preserving the instinctive and tribal aspects typical of jazz. The history of this dance style is connected to the events of jazz music, which in the early 20th century began to emerge in the United States, influenced by the African culture brought to American territories through the experiences of African peoples arriving from Europe. One of the characteristics of jazz dance today is that it is a dynamic and open language, allowing for moments of experimentation and improvisation that make it a more creative and stimulating expressive form compared to other dances. It is suitable for those who want to combine technical ability with personal artistic exploration, where factors such as body coordination, choreographic elements, technical aspects, and purely expressive aspects come into play.


  • Modern Dance: An unconventional dance style that focuses on freedom of movement and personal expression. Modern dance challenges traditional rules and engages with social and political themes. The term "modern dance" generally refers to the developments in dance that, starting from the late 19th century, led to a new way of conceiving stage dance, in contrast to classical ballet. The definition of "modern" given to this movement (also called "new dance") is due to the fact that it presented characteristics quite contrasting with classical ballet. Modern dance does not reject the unnatural use of the body but prefers linear movements. It values gestures and movements that express the dancer's personality starting from naturalness. Modern dance often incorporates spontaneous improvisation. However, modern dance movements also have their own precise "grammar."


  • Hip-Hop Dance: Originating from African American and Latinx communities, hip-hop dance is characterized by fluid movements, body isolations, street dance steps, and urban dance styles. Hip-hop dance originated in the early '70s with the street dancers of the New York ghettos. Hip-hop is a way of life that refers to young people in multicultural societies in metropolises. It is a way of dressing that eliminates form and erases the difference between men and women: people are distinguished by their abilities to sing or move in a personal way, not by their shapes. Hip-hop evolves rapidly, giving rise to a multitude of styles and spectacular movements that highlight each dancer's personal characteristics. In the evolution of hip-hop dance, dancers create their own style starting from improvisation.


  • Ethnic Dances: There are numerous traditional dances associated with specific cultures and countries. Some examples include salsa, samba, flamenco, belly dance, classical Indian dance, Argentine tango, and many others. Ethnic dances are traditional and culturally specific dance styles associated with countries or communities. Examples include salsa (Latin American), samba (Brazilian), flamenco (Spanish), belly dance (Middle Eastern), and classical Indian dance. These styles feature distinctive movements and tell cultural stories through the artistic expression of the body.


  • Tap Dance: A dance style that focuses on using the feet as percussive instruments. Dancers wear special shoes with heels and metal toe caps that create distinctive sounds when they come into contact with the floor. Tap dance combines rhythm, musicality, and syncopated movements, producing captivating and engaging performances. Dancers execute a series of steps, taps, and rhythmic beats, often incorporating improvisation and choreographed routines. This dance style has been popular in musical theater and cinema and continues to be appreciated for its combination of technique, rhythm, and entertainment.


  • Acrobatic Dance: A genre that combines elements of dance and acrobatics. This style of dance is characterized by aerial figures, balance, acrobatic jumps, and flexibility. Acrobatic dancers perform a series of spectacular movements such as somersaults, cartwheels, splits, hand balances, and other acrobatics, integrating them into fluid and artistic choreographies. Acrobatic dance requires strong technical training, physical strength, and body control. With its combination of grace and acrobatics, this dance style offers a visually stunning experience for the audience.


  • Urban Contemporary Dance: A style that merges elements of contemporary dance and hip-hop, exploring urban and modern themes. This genre of dance develops in urban communities and reflects the energy, culture, and artistic expression of the streets. Urban contemporary dance combines fluid movements, body isolations, rhythmic cadences, and emotional storytelling. Artists of this style often incorporate elements of breakdance, popping, locking, house dance, and other forms of urban dance to create unique and engaging performances. Urban contemporary dance is characterized by its innovation, creativity, and visual and sensory impact.


  • Ballroom Dance: A category that includes a variety of partner dances such as tango, waltz, cha-cha, foxtrot, and rumba. These dances are distinguished by their elegance, grace, and coordination between partners. Each dance has its distinctive steps, movement patterns, and associated styles of music. Ballroom dances are often performed in social contexts such as parties, formal events, or competitions. This dance genre requires good leading and following technique, as well as an emotional connection between partners. Ballroom dances offer an opportunity to express the beauty of music and the grace of movement as a couple.


These are just some of the most well-known dance styles and genres, but there is a wide variety of dance forms that reflect cultural diversity and artistic expression worldwide.

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