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Contemporary Photographers

Artistic Photography: The Art of Images


Artistic photography is a synthesis of emotions.


Photography is regarded as an autonomous form of art that does not imitate painting or sculpture but explores reality and themes of beauty, pain, and life through its own independent and authoritative language.



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Who is an Artistic Photographer and What Do They Do?


The Photographer as an Artist


An artistic photographer is a professional who creates works of art through photography. Using a camera and other photographic equipment, the artistic photographer captures images that express their creative and conceptual vision.


The main objective of the artistic photographer is to create images that communicate emotions, convey a message, or tell a story.


The artistic photographer can specialize in various genres of photography, such as portraits, landscapes, fashion photography, conceptual photography, or photojournalism. Through the use of photographic techniques, lighting, composition, and post-production, the artistic photographer shapes their artistic vision and creates images that can be exhibited in galleries, published in magazines or books, or sold as artworks.


The artistic photographer may also work on commissioned projects for specific clients or collaborate with other artists in creative endeavors. Photography as an art form offers multiple possibilities of expression, and the artistic photographer has the task of using the photographic medium to convey their unique and creative perspective.


A great photographer must be able to see reality with different, more attentive, and more sensitive eyes, capturing highly significant and evocative moments that evoke emotions or inspire reflection. They may not use brushes (although not all artists do today), but they perform the same work as a painter. Therefore, it is not surprising that they enjoy experimenting with all traditional painting genres: portraiture, landscapes, still life, documentary, and nude.


Great photographers are celebrated worldwide; exhibitions of their shots attract large audiences, photography books and catalogs have a vast market, and some prints reach extraordinary prices.


Contemporary art has traveled substantially along two parallel lines: great abstraction and great realism, both of which photography manages to synthesize.


It was with pop art that the double contribution of photography to artistic research was expressed: on the one hand, direct presence and explicit use of the medium, and on the other hand, an indirect presence, a sort of philosophy of the photographer.


Artistic photography encompasses a combination of styles. It manifests in the pursuit of capturing the authenticity of a moment through the image. Artistic photographs are those that reflect the author's intention, where their thoughts and will become the protagonists of the artwork.

What is Artistic Photography?


Artistic photography is a form of visual expression in which the photographer uses photography as a medium to create works of art. Unlike documentary or commercial photography, artistic photography primarily focuses on the aesthetic, emotional, and conceptual aspects of the image, rather than mere recording of reality.


In artistic photography, the photographer-artist utilizes a combination of elements such as composition, light, color, perspective, and subject to convey a personal vision, concept, or message. The main goal is to create images that evoke emotions, stimulate reflection, or tell a story, encouraging viewers to look beyond the surface and explore new perspectives.


Artistic photography can encompass a wide range of styles and themes, including portraits, landscapes, still life, abstract, conceptual, and much more. Photographic artists often experiment with different techniques, post-processing processes, and printing mediums to achieve the desired effect and give a personal touch to their works.


Ultimately, artistic photography is a creative interpretation of reality, where the photographer explores their artistic vision and uses photography as a means to express their individuality, creativity, and concepts.

The Portal of Contemporary Artists

in all Artistic Disciplines

What is Fine Art Photography?


Fine art photography refers to the practice of creating artwork using photography as a medium of expression. It is a form of visual art where the photographer utilizes the camera as a tool to capture images and convey a personal vision, concept, or message.


Fine art photography goes beyond mere recording of reality, as the photographic artist applies a range of artistic elements such as composition, light, color, perspective, and digital manipulation to create images that evoke emotions, stimulate reflection, or tell a story.


As an art form, photography offers multiple creative possibilities, and photographic artists can explore different genres, styles, and techniques. They can focus on subjects such as portraits, landscapes, still life, abstract or conceptual, or experiment with a combination of multiple genres. The use of light, shadows, lines, and forms, along with the artist's personal interpretation, contributes to the creation of unique fine art photographic works.


Fine art photographic works can be exhibited in galleries, museums, and shows, published in art books or magazines, or sold as prints or limited editions. Fine art photography provides a way for artists to express their creativity and artistic vision through the use of photography as a means of expression and communication.

What is Fine Art Photography?


Fine art photography refers to the practice of creating artwork using photography as a medium of expression. It is a form of visual art where the photographer utilizes the camera as a tool to capture images and convey a personal vision, concept, or message.


Fine art photography goes beyond mere recording of reality, as the photographic artist applies a range of artistic elements such as composition, light, color, perspective, and digital manipulation to create images that evoke emotions, stimulate reflection, or tell a story.


As an art form, photography offers multiple creative possibilities, and photographic artists can explore different genres, styles, and techniques. They can focus on subjects such as portraits, landscapes, still life, abstract or conceptual, or experiment with a combination of multiple genres. The use of light, shadows, lines, and forms, along with the artist's personal interpretation, contributes to the creation of unique fine art photographic works.


Fine art photographic works can be exhibited in galleries, museums, and shows, published in art books or magazines, or sold as prints or limited editions. Fine art photography provides a way for artists to express their creativity and artistic vision through the use of photography as a means of expression and communication.

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Maria Grazia Focanti
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Maria Grazia Focanti

Maria Grazia Focanti

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Carlo Iacomucci
PAINTING, POETRY, SCULPTURE, I, Painter, Poet, Sculptor, Painters - I, Poets - I, Sculptors - I, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, PAINTERS, POETS, SCULPTORS, Marche, Ancona, Monsano, Pittori Italiani-I, Painter, Poet, ITALY, Italian poet, Italian painter, Incisore, Ancona, Marche, Marchigiano, Monsano , Incisore Marchigiano, Pittore Marchigiano, Poeta Marchigiano,

Carlo Iacomucci

Carlo Iacomucci

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Nora Schepis
POETRY, LITERATURE, N, S, Poet, Poetessa, Writer, Scrittrice, Poets - N, Poets - S, Writers - N, Writers - S, ITALY, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Sicily, Agrigento, POETS, WRITERS, Poet, poetess, Writer, Writer, ITALY, Italian poet, Italian writer, Sicily, Agrigento, Sicilian writer, Agrigento writer, Agrigento poetess, Italian poetess,

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PAINTING, LITERATURE, COMIC, DIGITAL ART, F, M, Painter, Pittrice, Comic artist, Painters - F, Painters - M, Comic artists - F, Comic artists - M, ITALY, Digital artists - F, Digital artists - M, Readers, Readers - F, Readers - M, ARTISTI IN ARSPEDIA, Lazio, Rome, PAINTERS, WRITERS, COMIC ARTISTS, DIGITAL ARTISTS, Pittori Italiani-M, Painter, Painter, Reader, Cartoonist and/or Illustrator, Digital Artist, ITALY, Italian, Italian, Lazio, Lazio, Rome, Roman painter, Lazio painter,



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Luciano Postogna
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Ombretta Del Monte
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Mario Bova
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Gabriele D'annunzio

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